Lake Shore High School is located at 22980 13 Mile Rd in St. Clair Shores, MI 48081. There are approximately 1350 students at the high school.
About the Media Center and Ms. Kleymeer
The Media Center is located in the heart of the building. One conference room and four collaboration rooms are available for small meetings or group work. There are 4 desktop PC computers, 4 Chromeboxes, and 2 printers available for staff and student use. Our catalog is available online here.
Ms. Kleymeer has been with Lake Shore Public Schools for 26 years, the last sixteen of which have been at the high school. During her years of service she has taught numerous professional development sessions in the district regarding BlackBoard, using Microsoft Office, basic Windows, and many other applications. Outside the district she has presented workshops on developing high quality tests and differentiated learning. Additionally, she served as the School Improvement chairperson for Rodgers Elementary for 10 years, was a member of the district School Improvement team for 10 years, chaired a visiting evaluation team for North Central Association, and was a State Reviewer for NCA. With her principal and a fellow teacher, she presented at local, state, and national NCA conferences on creating effective rubrics. She was honored to be Teacher of the Year in 2009 and was featured in the Dec'09- Jan'10 edition of American Teacher.
Thank you to everyone who voted for the bond! The four new collaboration rooms are being used for meetings, presentations, and a whole lot of studying and group work. I truly enjoy seeing the writable walls bloom with ideas, problems and solutions. I am looking forward to new furniture and accoutrements.
This site is a work in progress. If you don't find what you are looking for on this site, please contact Ms. Kleymeer.
Media Center Info
Hours: 7:30 am - 3.30 pm Monday-Friday
Begin circulation: September 7, 2022
End circulation: May 26, 2023
Circulation period: 1 semester
Catalog and Databases (pw for databases is remote)
LSHS Library catalog
St. Clair Shores Public Library
Michigan Electronic Library
Gale Student Resources in Context
Gale Literature Resource Center
Gale Science
Gale Opposing Viewpoint
Gale US History